Friday, January 21, 2011

Status Update

What is on my mind facebook?
“Facebook is dead”

Spending a hell lot of time on social networking sites, I m leaving them now .
Okay, so like every one I know it is useless and wastage of time. But still somehow I would find time for going online.

How it started? Beginning of college, I thought they were cool. It was so good to run into old friends, getting to know where they were. Somehow it became a regular part of life, especially when I started studying online. It was convenient to just browse and see people, then going for a walk on the study break. First it was leisure, and then it turned into a habit and now to addiction.

Lately I m bored of it and I honestly think it is not worth it. So when every Tom dick and Harry is on facebook, I am just going to count the things I think are not cool about it.

So I understand we are from the same city, went to the same high school and may be college. I didn’t know you exist. And you never said Hi to me too. So why bother now, why do you need to add me as a friend. We don’t care about each other, and guess what I like it that way.

So we were friends in past, May be really good friends. And all those years we didn’t stay in touch. Why bother now? There is a reason why people don’t make it to your present, and that should be respected. If you really miss me, just find out my number and give me a call.” Hi! How have u been?” doesn’t work. The only answer you are going to get is “I am good” …and that is going to be a lie. Why add all that plastic and fakeness to what we had. Cherished memories should be left the way they are, beautiful and real.

My life is small, simple and real, far from interesting. The best part about it is my friends…and those friends already know what is happening with me.
If we need to know what is happening in each others lives by the status updates…seriously we aren’t part of each others lives at all. So may be it is time rather than reading the updates, I call that friend I m missing and you call yours.

If , I care about you. I would remember your birthday without the facebook reminders.
And I will give you a call or make sure to greet you in person if possible. I will like for you to do the so.

To sum up, I am leaving the virtual world. I will rather go for a walk and meet you on the way. If you want to be a part of my real world, I know you will find me 

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