Friday, July 31, 2009

just 22

It was my birthday a few daysback and i turned 22.
here are 22 lessons i learnt so far....
1.Trust the tried ones.
2.Forgive quickly
3.Dreams dont let you sleep
4.Smile and mean it.
5.Have anything nice in mind...say then n there..
6.Give people benefit of doubt.
7.Love truly
8.Never say yes too early and No not soon enough
9.Clean up your mess
10.Action speak louder than words
11.Find time for things you love
12.Never say no to something that makes you smile
13.Its never too late
14.Never turn ur back on a friend
15.Happiness lies,where your people are
16.Somethings are better left unsaid
17.Dance in the rain
18.Sunrise is the best part of the day
19.Expect gud things to happen.
20.Think fast ,Think big,Think ahead
21.Deserve than Desire
22.Pain is for a moment ,Pride is forever

1 comment:

A learner said...

"Perfect" is the only word that comes to my mind right now.. !!