Wednesday, October 15, 2008

win without boasting , lose without excuses

Sunday, October 12, 2008

rather than running away from your fears, its better to chase them away.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


every morning i wake up in middle of a sea of books...all i can i see is books and books, notes i was suppose to finish last night, that case i was to prsent,my room looks more like a library only difference being that libraries are organised.the whole day i m chasing the things on my " to do" list , i wonder how many times i actually achieve it. u know ,i also belong to that breed of medicos who just never have time...there are so many things i luv , but i never have time. for last one year i wanted to put the "LAM" CLUB board , but i m a final yr student , how can i waste time on that. really??? i know if my sis ever read this she is going to chase me down n kill me. ..for yeah 10 days before my sent up examination i did spent 2 hours and finally changed it.must say it felt good, real good after a long time.
i dont want to run through life, i want to smell the roses along the way.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The problem with love is...

"tum ho to gata hai dil , tum nahi to geet kahan" there s always some1 in every1's life whom would they think of after reading this line. every1 has felt that adrenaline rush when that first crush happens. and that feeling of falling in for a person . life is all roses.
but at certain times things just dont fall in place. I mean when two people are together , only two things can happen. either they grow with each other or they grow away from each why does that feeling just go away...
1. perception - there is a big difference between what two people want out of a relationship? and more than the other person , its important you know , what kind of a relationship you want .
2. pretending to be someone else - consciously or subconsciously everyone falls in this trap of impressing their beloved by trying to become someone they are not.its okay for sometime till the period of puppy love persists, after that it becomes suffocating. if someone cant love you , for who you are, there s no point. love is not about changing yourself, its about being at peace with yourself . you dont need love to complete you , you need love to celebrate life.
3. insecurities- biggest fear of love is the secret fear of not being worthy of being loved. in a relationship even the most calm and confident people behave in strange ways. the fear of losing someone close to you is too much.everyone has their share of insecurities. the trick is to be truthful to yourself and having trust in your relationship.
4. communication gap- taking it for granted that people close to you will understand themselves,what you mean is just not fair.if you cant express yourself even to the person you love most in life, something needs to be done. its not for others to guess whats up in your mind, its for you to say.
5.possesiveness- what belongs to you is yours , you dont need to stress it every moment.
its more like asking someone to live in a golden cage. what every person wants in life is to be incharge of it.
6. priorities- the most important issue these days .everyone has different priorities in life and yes they keep changing with time. so how important is a relationship to u, how much you value what you have. its very easy to fall in love , but to stay in love for life you need dedication.
try your best you can always make a relationship a success if you want , just dont stretch things too much , let it loose ,it will stay if it is worth it......and as they say you can never lose something you never had.
P.S. - anyone can 'get' what/whom they want, but then love is something else.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

we thought we could live in this beautiful world forever , but we realized it was a dream and when we thought , we would forget it as a dream, we realized it had become a part of us.

Black and White

3 hours after staring at random X -rays , i guesss everything in the world appears to be in black and white...or may be i have started noticing , like my best friends clothes or the Netters i m supposed to be reading after awhile. there is 1 question in my mind , so why X-rays are in black and white...i mean it wont hv hurt if there were some colours..okay may be i m going nuts , i know the principles and all that difference in densities you are suppose to appreciate and interpret.
white stands for divine and black for evil. white is pure ,black is passion. white s contentment and black desire.white is not always good and black is not always bad . In life there are no clear cut blacks and whites, most of the times its the greys.Though most confusing at times , but still at the end of day its the greys which tell you so much about your own self.the way you deal with them is truly your own ,no prejudices , no baises.
though i love them both , for me colours are better anyday ....thank god am back to my room and yeah i would still prefer colourful x-rays.