Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am nervous a bit . Tommorow is my interview, an interview that matters.
Feeling the kind of feeling which I once had when i first went to the stage for speech competition in 6th standard.
Oh my God! My back muscles are all tensed. I am feeling tensed right now.
Breathe ! Breathe ! Breathe!

Life is all but a chance. It is the chances you take and what you make out of them.
A very important point in life is accepting the importance of events. You have to come out of Denial. I know so many people who never accept things matter to them and find an alternative.Truth is all path close ,when you chose a path. So dont be shy and tell yourself this matters in life. I want this thing to happen. Dont thing what if it doesnt happen. If never happens. Future is not ours to see. But today is ours to live . Live it with all your heart , follow your dreams and breathe with passion.
Life is your canvas , spill some colors , take that brush and go ahead write your destiny.

Coming back to the interview , it is a chance to meet some new good people.

Kyu dare ki zindagi me aage kya hoga , kuch nai to tajurba hoga!!! :) :) :) :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hazaron khwaishe aisi

Desires are fuel to achievement. Over the years i have observed there is no end of desires. You can have the whole world and still want more.Today was "Black Friday", a day dedicated to consumerism. Fashion , Electronics ,Utility items everything was on a grand sale. So I also went out and became a viewer of this shopping bonanza.
Though i have never been too good with money. I have been through the times when i would buy a pair of silver stiletos just because they were cute , ignoring the fact that i had another three pairs already. I have seen the times when i had so many clothes that i would shop and forget about it and not have the time to wear them for more than an year.I have been a shopaholic. I have had everything in abundance. And i dont know how today i am feeling like that i should accept that i have been a little spoilt..may be not just a little.
So if you are the small kid , who is always pampered you get an illusion you can have everything you wish. Luckily i get everything i wish, but it is hard to organize . So this black friday i didnt buy anything . When i dont need something, what is the point in buying it just because it is on sale. And honestly i have more stuff than i need. I have everything i want. I wonder when i gained this insight.
It is very amusing to see materialistic people. It is so eaay for them to be happy.
Most of the people who come to america get attracted to the scintillating capitalist strategies. And irony of my life is the biggest lesson i have learnt here is you dont need things to be happy. Because things that matter in life are not things at all.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Its futile to compare your destiny to others. Everyone has a different journey , different means, different goals and aspirations.
But only thing under contol is dreaming and creating your destiny.
Go ahead win your world..carry your sunshine along you.
Luck is the crossroad where oppurtunity meets preparation :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Every person experiences love once in their life. Whether it is true love or not; or lasts forever or not is another story. But every time you watch a romantic movie, there is definitely someone special on your mind.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Equations change. Wavelengths change. People change. So do you as well as me.
Welcome future. Celebrate present. Its beautiful how everything canges.
I have seen newyork in so many different colours now.Refreshing spring, Silent fall and Pure White winter.
I love pulse of this city. The Fashion capital , The Financial Capital of the world.
Big Apple. The moment you step in you feel the energy.This jungle of concrete with beautiful gardens sprinkled in between always has new surprises in store.The MTA is the lifeline of this city. Looking at the subway map you can never imagine how differentfrom eachother Bronx , Brooklyn , Manhattan and Queens can be.
You sit in a train and the first thing you notice is there are not much colours. Neutral shades like grey and black are what everyone wears. People from all over the world , speaking different languages can be found in a single train.
The second thing that will catch your eye is that everyone has a book to read . So many different subjects, topics , authors to view. Newyork loves to read. A book is your best friend suits every true newyorker.
The next amazing thing is it is very hard to find someone without earphones on. Apple is found everywhere in the Big Apple.
Landmarks, Bridges , Museums, Gardens , Different Cuisines,Shopping malls and rocking night life. This city never sleeps.

Friday, November 5, 2010

"Get a life!!" I have said this phrase lots of times in past. But now i have understood ,its about building a life. After twenty days of thinking, i finally have a plan. Okay , I know I still dont know what I want in next five years. But I know for sure what I want to do in this year.Time for the adventure to begin. Wish me luck!!!! :)