Friday, August 20, 2010

You can't cross a sea by merely
staring into the water."
- Rabindranath Tagore

A vision, An idea is of no use , unless put into action. Action defines the outome.
Efforts and hardwork gives the confidence.To try and not give up till the last second. To hang on when everyone else has given up, produces genius.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

If you could just travel back in time...
Some moments stay forever..they mean more than entire lifetime.
Its strange at times you miss someone who is with you. You realize that all you ever wanted was already with you.
You know it is love, when it hurts.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I had sat down to write on a piece of paper some lines, which will decide my destiny. If at all destiny exists .I don’t know. May be I will never know. And then you don’t need to know everything that happens on this earth. If it involves your life, I guess a few parts should be left to wonder. I mean, why steal life of its mystery? It is the sense of illusion that makes this experience unique.
Belief in a thing makes it happen. As the September approaches I think I can say that. If you truly believe, faith is always rewarded. There is something that always puzzles me. Should faith be blind? Or should it be reinforced by reason. Trust is the biggest gift, though not as beautiful, but definitely more valuable than love itself.
Its amusing to observe how many people in life we trust enough to take the mask off us and just be us around them. So how many people do you trust? And more important how many people trust you?
I had sat down to write on a piece of paper some lines, which will decide my destiny. If at all destiny exists .I don’t know. May be I will never know. And then you don’t need to know everything that happens on this earth. If it involves your life, I guess a few parts should be left to wonder. I mean, why steal life of its mystery? It is the sense of illusion that makes this experience unique.
Belief in a thing makes it happen. As the September approaches I think I can say that. If you truly believe, faith is always rewarded. There is something that always puzzles me. Should faith be blind? Or should it be reinforced by reason. Trust is the biggest gift, though not as beautiful, but definitely more valuable than love itself.
Its amusing to observe how many people in life we trust enough to take the mask off us and just be us around them. So how many people do you trust? And more important how many people trust you?