Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I dont know , if its me or the phase of my life..But yeah too much romance and mush can be nauseating i feel.
Actions speak louder than words..Fairweather friends are not welcome for sometime.
I dont know ,how i manage to attract and keep jerks in my life.I believe everyone deserves a second chance . And then some people can just never understand.There is a limit to be selfish. Whats the whole point if u can write poetry but cant be a strong shoulder for someone to cry.If you run away , when you were needed..what makes you think you can come back when and as you wish.
Being luved deeply gives you strength and luving sum1 deeply gives you courage.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cry , when you need to.There is no point holding on to those tears.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hone ko ho sakta hai , its possible!

After being confused for a long time..i finally found my answers.Ever happened to you, that you were in a mess , and suddenly you wake up in one morning and everything starts to fall in place.As if someone just changed the whole picture...Life changhes every few hours.
Brokenhearts, Swollen eyes , Shattered dreams and the gloom of this place , i expected it to happen but never knew ill feel so sad..its hard to be happy when all your friends are not..Misery is contagious.I felt sad about everything and everyone, but i have accepted that everyone has to overtake their journey, you cant do much about it. Everyone has to fight their own fears..and the journey is worthy.

So focussing back on my life, my journey..
Got lost and distracted.Took some time off to think it over.Back to business now.
Objectively speaking-
i achieved whatever i planned last year..
1. i planned well
2. i sticked to it

This year didnt get much time to plan , so was really troubled..Dreams without deadlines are just wishes.
This year its going to be challenging...there will be lots of things.. My life is on rocks again.. So that means if situations dont get better of me and i can actually rise to the occassion , This might turn out to be the most memorable year of my life.
This might just be the time , which when i look back might make me feel i did something in my life...atleast i tried , i took the risk.
If its a success , will be the biggest till now...If its a failure it ,will be the devastating one too...Never mind it will be an experience in itself.
Now onwards things will get complicated and i guess i will just better with time.
Lets see how life goes...i m not sure what will happen , but one thing is for sure i will try my best , ill just give my best shot and not ask for a second chance.
2010 is all about discovering myself....last year of my passion and ambition .

Thursday, February 4, 2010

So as it turns out to be, I am in deeper troubles than what i initially thought. And this is not going to be a cakewalk..its not easy , its more of the impossible. So its the time to do the impossible :)...As if i have any other option.
Right now ..i m nowhere , and interesting part is i have to get there as fast as possible..Crazy i know..n funny part is i dont have any doubts i m going to make it. Now the question is how . I have to find a way. There are few times in life when nothing short of extraordinary works...I guess this is one of those for me. Time to run as fast as possible. I know odds are not in my favour right now..as if i care.I need to do this, I am going to do this. Its going to be difficult...But then Difficult is always easy , Impossible just takes a little longer.
So dear, its the time to shine....Do it now, Little pain doesnt kill anyone , remember?
Who knows this might turn out to be the most memorable time of your life.Quitting is just not your thing!!!!!!!
Best of luck!