Monday, August 24, 2009

Universe conspires….it surely does .Everything is falling in place. After reaching the edge of my patience, I got the mail today. God had plans for me.. I have stopped bothering…whatever I may wish, he always has something better in store. He loves me more than I can even imagine.
It’s the time to right all my wrongs. Caterpillar is almost at the end of his journey,. time for the butterfly to be free. One last month is all I need to give. When quitting is not an option ,you are almost there .

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dont know how i got this habbit of writing down everything that bothers me. Its more of therapeutic thing these days.
If you are too emotional, too sentimental and too passionate ,you are bound to be hurt very badly.And if you happen to be the cold and practical..nothing hurts you that much ,but you never experience anything to its core.So what to do?
Dont know....may be if you happen to be someone whose passion is everything she /he ever does ..then may be the answer you need is courage. Courage to be able to let go,Courage to feel the pain, Courage to trust again . No matter what happens ,never let it turn you into something bitter but better.Situations and People are not what you want them to be, but what they really are.You can never change them .But atleast you caN do 1 thing not let them change you either .Let No one break your spirit.When it hurts ,dont be afraid, u only feel pain to a certain point after that it dont feel anything anymore.Dont let your fear of pain dictate your destiny..
Somehow i m very proud of what i did yesterday...stood for myself..for making my choice.If you dont respect your priorities in life, noone else will either.
Finally m letting go of it all........

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

dont know ...what to write..but felt like writing anyways..
after 3 casualities in a row and some high energy drama....spent last 2 days in style with smile.
Silence is beautiful ,it makes you listen to the tune of your heart.....
peace is divine . Have realised lately ,simplicity is a virtue.
In relationships very few people know how to love to give some1 what they need..when to say the right words n when to stay silent..when to stay and when to leave you alone..n those who know stay in life forever..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It could turn out to be a wonderfull day,depends on you said my horroscope. well it was more than was delightfull. woke uo at 10 n bunked my ward duty.
finally accomplished more than i could thoutht..all my neurons were firing at a rate i never thought was possible..a gr8 day after a long time.
1. reviwed anat
2. took immuno test -67
3.histo test-70
4. pharma cardio- 60 something
5. micro test-70 something
6. path test-high score must b 70( cudnt submit due to an error)
7.reviwed all path q
8.reviwed all phisio q
9. review pharma- git, renal, multiple,pulmono
10. took n reviwed neuro pharma

Total hours 14.5 hrs -effective hrs 14( .5hr - 5mn short breaks in b/w)

so m almost done with UW except biostats n pathophysio..

analysis after uw
to my surprise
1.ANAT N Pharma -r nt my weakness but strength...i score high in is histo n micro
2 need to work on path n physio m doing gud...but can do much better..since i hv scored more than 60 without reading whole of path n physio.

so m starting with path...plan to finish it in 5 days

hv to listen to goljan n lec notes -----REVIEW RR N do q frm saunders n 36/100 pages of goljan high yield + scan first aid n kap medessentials if possible.
hope to hv another wonderfull day :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


tried really hard to balance everything...thought i could manage work as well as studies...wanted to stick to it..didnt want other people to be in trouble..
But cant really take this anymore, have been adjusting for 12 days now..I hate it when someone calls me without notice,that uncertanity, distractions and constant source of irritation..
yesterday evening when i was called ..pissed me off. everything around has been just going wrong for past few days...i hv been trying not to let things bother me..had to finish UW, din hv time for frustration,controversies n feeling down..
BUT today just got enough of this ...its a truth ,IF you dont respect your priorities, others priorities will come in your way. i slept the whole day after coming back...thats what i always do when i feel stressed. woke up in a gud mood and as always god solved my problem n i knew what i had to do..
revised embryo...took tests f immuno..67% n 62%...gud considering i hv read it only read it once n that was 3 months back. felt gud, as was expecting worse.
So finally i have taken the situation in my hands.
99 or the story ends.
want to give it my unnterrupted attention, time and energy.
no more distractions ,irritations or interruptions.
give my best 12 hrs everyday.
this is not for exam ....but for myself..for getting over that 1 regret of my life.
GOD give me all the strength i need.
when i study i feel peaceful..i smile..i like to work hard..i luv to know things..i love medicine.
for MEDICINE, For my patients,for dad ,for life after this,n above all for how much want this, how much you worry for me , Di....i promise i m gonna ace this exam..ill do whatever this takes.
b4 sep 20.
Overlearn the material Short-term memory is not very effective in test situations. Our short-term memories have limited capacities and do not respond well under stress. Long-term memory is much more reliable in stressful situations and long-term memory has an unlimited capacity. Moving information from short-term to long-term memory requires time, energy, understanding and repetition. When you are studying material, study it multiple times using different study techniques. Also vary the order in which you study the material. The "recency effect" says that we remember what we heard or learned last the best. The "primacy effect" says that we remember what we heard or learned first the best. If we always study material in the same order, the same material is always first, last and in the middle. It is likely that one will have the least recall of the information from the middle of study session so it is important to study this information first or last some of the time.
Overlearn the material Short-term memory is not very effective in test situations. Our short-term memories have limited capacities and do not respond well under stress. Long-term memory is much more reliable in stressful situations and long-term memory has an unlimited capacity. Moving information from short-term to long-term memory requires time, energy, understanding and repetition. When you are studying material, study it multiple times using different study techniques. Also vary the order in which you study the material. The "recency effect" says that we remember what we heard or learned last the best. The "primacy effect" says that we remember what we heard or learned first the best. If we always study material in the same order, the same material is always first, last and in the middle. It is likely that one will have the least recall of the information from the middle of study session so it is important to study this information first or last some of the time.
Concentration: the ability to direct your thinking

We all have the ability to concentrate -- sometimes. Think of the times when you were "lost" in something you enjoy: a sport, playing music, a good game, a movie. Total concentration.

What you can control in your studies:

"Here I study"
Get a dedicated space, chair, table, lighting and environment
Avoid your cellphone or telephone
Put up a sign to avoid being disturbed or interrupted
If you like music in the background, OK, but don't let it be a distraction. (Research on productivity with music versus without music is inconclusive)
Stick to a routine, efficient study schedule
Accommodate your day/nighttime energy levels
Before you begin studying, take a few minutes to summarize a few objectives, gather what you will need, and think of a general strategy of accomplishment
Create an incentive if necessary for successfully completing a task,
such as calling a friend, a food treat, a walk, etc.

Change topics
Vary your study activities

Take regular, scheduled breaks that fit you
Do something different from what you've been doing (e.g., walk around if you've been sitting), and in a different area

Best Practice:

Be here now | Worry time |Energy level | Visualize

Be Here Now

When you notice your thoughts wandering astray, say to yourself

"Be here now"

and gently bring your attention back to where you want it.

Worry or Think Time

Set aside a specific time each day to think about
the things that keep entering your mind and interfering with your concentration.

When you become aware of a distracting thought,
remind yourself that you have a special time to think about them,

Let the thought go,
perhaps with "Be here now,"

Keep your appointment
to worry or think about those distracting issues

Maximize your energy level
When is your energy level at its highest? When are your low energy times?
Study your most difficult courses at your high energy times.

As an exercise before you begin studying, think of those times when concentration is not a problem for you--no matter what situation. Now try to feel or image yourself in that situation. Recapture that experience immediately before your studies by placing yourself in that moment.. Repeat before each study session.
try to make your reading less painful and more fun.... forget the exam..... read as if you want to learn about the wonders of human body,the marvelous work of god,the cleverness of those little bugs,our ever so smart immune systems,the wonderful job of drugs and how they work,....... etc etc...... make curiosity and sense of wonder an integral part of your studies and you will soon see the results...
will not stop till I hv nothing left in me...

Till I can keep my eyes open I will study...

Till I have blood in me I will be dreaming and believing...
To get what we've never had

we must do

what we've never done.

n at times as fast as possible!!!!!!
With God, all things are possible

If u wanna be what u wish to be, then dump ur past into dustbin and look straight into ur target. No more wavering attitude, no more second thoughts, no more repentance, and no more self-condemnation. Think yourself u r virtually born now. Falcon.

Match 2010 = Step 1 in sept 2009

Target : 24/7 Your goal in mind,,Dr. Goljan motivated me to be as good as him! play AT YOUR BEST.

Falcon : Plz hit hard with all ur energy, passion, care and put in ur heart & soul in pursuit of ur goal, so that nothing can intimidate u.

Success is focussing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve. Be so strong that nothing can disturb ur peace of mind. Focus on 12 hrs, score, residency, dad and life after this

Let nothing stand in your way.

Thank you God !
thanx 4 helping me...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

yesterday was nt gr8...could only finish anat q score 1 70 n 66..but didn review just crashed on ma bed at 3..
plan s 2 make everythin rite Gods grace got free at 10..n no evening duty 2day ..yippie!!
so vil finship up 2day

1. review anat test-till 1
2. take embyo n histo test
3.immuno test
4 test pharma neuro ...........till 10
not goin the way i wanted so far....
2day was useless n inefficient.
finish anat m immuno.
190 q its 1 o clock already

Monday, August 3, 2009

was distracted 2day...lost focus.
just took 1 test n reviwed another 1/2..not bad , not gud either.

my usmle journal- day2

so 2day startting a lil late...had a f9 day so far. listen 2 goljan 4 2 hrs. 1 cvs 2. hemat
tried 2 revise a lil of wat had study yesterday...not bad so far.
TODAY S target- 4 tests..not sure as cud take time., got casuality cant study late than 2, letsc how it goes. God bless me

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Life is beautiful and what makes it beautiful is the fact its your own creation .Its a canvas. You have the choice. You can live your dream. Anything is possible. There is no heaven afterwards. It is perfect as it is . You smile, cry, dream ,love…You grow as a person. Everyday you fall in love even more with this illusion. that it will never end.It doesn’t matter even if it ends. Life islived in moments .A moment can be livedonly once and if you live it with all our heart its enough.
Life doesn’t always turn the way you planned ,but nevermind it is usually better than what you would have asked for. Way is open..Go for it. Handle life with
its 4 o clock mission accomplished:)
a gud day after all.
100+90= total day efficiency..hope 2mrw vil b better.
my usmle journal:-
its 8.30
hv reviewed 90 questions far 2day.
dream target- 2 review 3 more 150 questions.
practical target: review 2 100 questions.
goin 4 dinner nw..vil post again b4 i sleep ...hv got nephro clinic can afford 2 sleep late 2day. God bless me.
How high u go depends on how hard u try