Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cardinal Rules of life
1.Make peace with your past so it wont screw up the present
2.What other people think of you is none of your business
3.Time heals almost everything,give time.
4.No one is incharge of your happiness, except you
5.Dont compare your life to others and dont judge them... you have no idea what there journey is all about
6.Stop thinking too much,its alright not to know all the answers..
they will come to you when you least expect it
7. Smile. you dont own all the problems in the world...
Dear life,
Today just felt like talking to you. It’s been too good lately, and I know tomorrow will be a new day. Lots of things are going to change. Its fine with me…I know I must be sounding a little different to you. Thanks to you I don’t fear change anymore, I look forward to it.
You have been a dear friend always. Thanks for making me realise so many things. I mean u helped me value things in life. I could never appreciate pleasure if u didn’t let me experience pain. To rejoice success I needed to know the meaning of failure. To smile with heart, my eyes had to be moist. To live present I had to let go of past .Somehow I have been lucky, u taught me everything with love, at the right time. For every mistake I made, u made me grow as a person. The struggles and problems made me discover the parts of me I never knew. Every choice I make leads to me a new door. And I am amazed by this wonder. At times I feel like looking back, but not turning back. Now I know that I can never get today back. This moment will never be there again and I don’t waste my time trying to hold it. Living it with my heart and leaving it. There is a new dream in my eyes. Let’s see how my journey unfolds. The way is open.
No regrets, No apologies and No complaints, thanks for every single thing. Hope someday you will gift me patience, silence and modesty too.
I seriously love you honey. Wish this love of ours grows with each day.

Love u more than ever,