Tuesday, September 30, 2008

3 in the morning seems to be the perfect time 2 write my first blog, not to mention when m supposed 2 be taking 2 major tests in the morning.....m exhausted, sleep deprived and a little hungry too. sense says that i should sleep now, or my brain will go haywire in the morning.its just a test. a month back,at times like this i would crib the whole day how much i hate these tests, these books, why cant i have enough time for everything i want to do in life, i hate this stress, dealing emergencies s not my cup of tea.medical school teaches you a lot of things like how to dissect a cadaver,memorise half the worlds information, make a diagnosis,how to read an X-ray , an ECG and how to deal emergencies......if they could only teach you that someday you might save your own peoples life.when you have your own folks life in your hands you just cant afford to make a mistake." Critical Care" s not just a topic it means lots of lives in your hands. 1 lecture of critical care changed my life , it is not about test , its not about marks , its about something much more.


A learner said...

Hey enigma, Fristly dealing emergencies is nobody’s cup of tea, its just your instincts which work at that time, and believe me you are perfect in that….Secondly, saving your own people’s life is what everybody on this planet earth does and likes to do, but doctors have a moral responsibility of saving all the patients, and u doctors are looked upon as saviours..So y not look at all the people in this world as your own… I know it is difficult, but just a thought….
And finally, if it is not about the marks you get in the test, why are you awake till so late , you could have written the same blog in sunshine and then feelings might have been different , offcourse marks matter, so y hide !! ;)

And, by the way .. nice pic (this used to be on gtalk earlier ?)

enigma said...

u hv a gud memory must say.
every life is important no doubt,but what i wanted 2 say was dealing with other people is easier as u r focussed on ur tasks but when u r dealing sum1 close 2 u, its mixed feelings ,coz every now n then ur fears keep coming back 2 u and somehow u r more interested in the results that u lose the sane sense of focussing on the issue at hand.
n hey marks r not an issue coz in medicine it doesnt matter how many marks u score , how many lines u can remember , its bout how well can u apply those lines....on a second thought few extra marks doesnt hurt( though i still believe they dont mean nething)

A learner said...

Yeah...I wanted to stress on this thing only that why does the fear come in while dealing with sum1 close, and not with somebody else... You have to treat everybody as "sum1 close 2 u", doctors are considered as servants of God...
Neway what m talking I think is not practical....So chill !!