Sunday, January 31, 2010

When I m in Luv

hey! dont think too much about the title, its just that i m listening this " uff teri ada " so i just wrote it as nothing else came to my mind.I know this is crazy but then, everything doesnt need to make sense in life .:P
Its 2'o clock , i have a surgery OPD tomorow. I just hope i get there , because jet lag can be a funny thing.
Last 2 months have been a different experience. At times Life moves fast and you just go with the flow. Does it ever happened to you , that you felt as if you were just a spectator in your own life. Strange, i know.
I went to many things , met so many people, experienced so many new emotions....It will take some time to sink in.
We never know ourselves, we dont even know what we want and we will never know what we will do untill we actually do it. This is stupid , random and sensless..just a flight of ideas. And then again ,everything doesnt need to make sense.
For last 4 years i was followed by this nightmare which turned out to be a dream in reality.You never know , what life has in store for u. Life happens when we are too busy planning for it.
At times i feel like looking back , just to steal a glance of past. It makes me smile , how i never knew my own story. I have stopped guessing the end now. Because i know i can never even imagine what future has in store for me.I just live in the moment. Lets see how the journey unfolds.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Failures make you try-not cry-harder.
You hang in there for one more moment and make a difference.
You avoid self-pity & focus on self-improvement.
You don't burn with anxiety, but burn with to-do energy.
You know that most people are not against you, just thinking about themselves.
You know it's okay if you can't please people all the time.
You get charged, bit chagrined by changing circumstances.
You see that inconsistency too can be consistent & do not get upset by it.
You reach out despite the risk of being snubbed because it means a helluva lot to you.
You do not feel used, you feel useful.
You're committed to something larger than your little ego.
You look at troubles with a positive eye because you know they will pass while your positivity won't.
You work towards changing in small ways your uncomfortable outer circumstances & grow bigger than them in the process.
You think in your feet, speak from your mind, live from your heart & smile from your spirit.